YEA! Yoga Energy Activism とは可能な限りの節電とエネルギー再生をサポートする、世界のヨガコミュニティーがコミットしているエネルギー再生と節電活動です。みんながエネルギーを意識的に使い、地球へのカーボン・フットプリントを最小化していきましょうと言う呼びかけです。
9月21日のグローバル・マラの日に、世界のヨガワールドが一体となって、YEA! のために 電源をぬき、意識的なエネルギー消費を心がけます。
2)エネルギー再生の日を決め、実行する: どれだけの時間そしてどの様に節電するか決める。
•冷蔵庫以外の全ての電源を抜く(ipod 、テレビ、携帯電話、パソコン)
ヨガとラスタって通じるものがあるのよね → YEA!のビデオ Shiva Rea が Wailers に Ital Food についてインタビューしてるミニクリップ
Join Thousands of Movers + Shakers for Sept 21st and Global Mala!!
To view YEA video with Jai Uttal and the Wailers, click here.
WAKE-UP AND PARTICIPATE on an individual or community level in creating a cleaner energy future. Unplug Tune-In Recharge
WHAT? YEA! is about committing to use less energy for as long as you can (from one hour to the entire day)and waste less energy and support energy regeneration. It is about conscious energy use and moving toward actively minimizing our carbon imprint on the planet.
WHY? We waste more energy than we use. We throw away more food than we eat. We are the #1 Trash Producing Nation. We have an abundance of natural energy to tap into. It takes only .02% of the Sun’s energy to power the earth’s current needs
Simple Steps for getting involved (try it!):
1. Send out an email to your network and local community, encouraging them to join you for a day of Energy Regeneration.
2. Create your Energy Regeneration Day - decide how and what to unplug and for how long. Here are a few ideas:
* Bike instead of drive
* Use solar or candle light for zero electricity use
* Unplug all applicances• turn off cell phones, computers, ipods...(except refrigerator)
* Rest, be with lovers, family, friends, read, reflect, create, play, be quiet, be festive
* Go for zero or as little waste as possible by composting and recycling
* cook less, eat less, waste less
* Reduce water consumption: flush one less time / cut 2-6 minutes off your shower
* Reading
* Journaling
* Longer meditation and yoga practice
* Fasting: eating once or twice a day, or juice fast, or fruit + vegetable fast